Silvia Formenti, M.D.
Dr. Formenti is a medical and radiation oncologist who has pioneered external beam hypo-fractionated radiotherapy both with a partial breast radiation approach and with accelerated intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) directed to the entire breast. A prolific researcher, Dr. Formenti is currently principal investigator on multiple grants with more than $8 million in total funding, including a U.S. Department of Defense grant to establish multi-nation Centers of Excellence to study Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC). In addition to her role as Chairman of the NYU Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. Formenti leads the Breast Cancer Research Program of the NYU Cancer Institute, and is co-leader of the Academic Excellence Commission of NYU School of Medicine.
 Peter Biggs, Ph.D.
Dr. Biggs graduated from Imperial College (London) with an honors degree in Physics and obtained a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics (High energy physics) from the University of London. He has performed research work at the Daresbury Nuclear Physics laboratory for four years after which he joined the staff at MIT to work on research at Fermi Lab. and Brookhaven ("J' particle). He has been in the Department of Radiation Oncology since 1975 and is a radiation biophysicist and an Associate professor at Harvard Medical School. Most recently, Dr. Biggs was a co-author of NCRP report No. 151. "Structural shielding design and evaluation for megavoltage x- and gamma-ray radiotherapy facilities."
 Alan Alfieri, M.S.
Mr. Alfieri brings more than 30 years of research, business consulting, and clinical experience in the areas of drug discovery and oncology. Mr. Alfieri is a Clinical Associate Prof. at a number of teaching hospitals including New York Medical College, Albert Einstein College of Med, Beth Israel Medical Centers, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
 Domenico Delli Carpini, Ph.D.
Dr. Delli Carpini has earned his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Boston University. He has completed his post-doctorate training at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Delli Carpini is an active member of several professional organizations including AAPM, ACR, AAPT, RMPS and is currently serving on many workforce committees of AAPM. He has been invited to present in a number of national and international meetings and has authored and co-authored numerous papers in the area of radiation therapy physics. Dr. Delli Carpini is currently the Chief Medical Physicist at Greenwich Hospital, in Greenwich, CT.